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  Aluminum bonding

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PostPosted: 05/07/2010 at 9:27 PM    Post subject: Aluminum bonding

I'm having some problems bonding wood freboards to my 7075 aluminum necks. Some of them, anyway.
The problem isn't the wood or even phenolic. The epoxy dosn't stick to the aluminum. I've been using two part epoxy and it sets up just fine but after a month or two they separate.
I ran into a solution on the web that suggested wetting the neck prior to bonding with a mixture of epoxy and acetone and rough sanding the surface to remove the oxide that can form very quickly on the untreated surface. I've tried this technique on an assembly that I had some problems with and so far so good (two weeks).
All of this makes sense to me but I'm wondering what others are doing and if anyone else has had this problem. Also has anyone used Titebond 3 poly?
I want these shings to stay be reliable and stable.



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PostPosted: 05/17/2010 at 07:22 AM    Post subject: RE:Aluminum bonding

Hey, Tone. Shoot me an email: bastinguitarcompany @ gmail . com


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