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  Vaccaro 5 String Bass, Headstock Broke off

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PostPosted: 02/18/2010 at 09:16 AM    Post subject: Vaccaro 5 String Bass, Headstock Broke off

I accidentally broke the headstock off my neighbors Vacarro 5 string bass (Don't ask...lets just say it was a late night session). I’m looking to replace the neck, but cannot find anyone who can get a 5 string Vaccaro neck. Anyone have any suggestions? I’m in the NY metro area.

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PostPosted: 02/18/2010 at 9:00 PM    Post subject: Vaccaro neck

I have been tracking Vaccaro basses for years now and I don't think I have ever seen anyone selling just a 5 string neck....a few years ago there were a few 4 string necks sold by a guy in PA but chances are you would have to buy a replacement bass...and those don't come up on ebay/craiglist very often.

Good luck and keep searching!

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PostPosted: 03/10/2010 at 07:12 AM    Post subject: ????????????

Uhh Drew,

I know you said don't ask but I couldn't resist. Consider it a public service warning to other aluminum neck owners like me. I am sorry for the loss (I think).

P.S. Good luck finding a new neck ( not sarcastic).


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guitar doctor
PostPosted: 03/16/2014 at 8:59 PM    Post subject: RE:Vaccaro 5 String Bass, Headstock Broke off

The neck can be repaired
the headstock is welded to the center t-bar inside the neck.
did the maple clamshell and fretboard break also?

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